Friday, December 8, 2006

Youth group with the gang I went to youth group with Tori Ashley and Soph, it was funn! We played capture the flag sang and stuff it was fun. On the way home we all wrote a song called Beautiful Thoughts, lol, actually Soph and Ashley did, Tori was video taping and i thought she was taking a picture so i kept getting up in the camera,hehe, and than when we got to Tori and Ashleys house we took wicked funny pictures of me and everyone. It was a very fun day =) sophie...i have... 1 2 3 4 words for you, Pirates of the Carabian-lol- Be a good gurl sophie, don't let those "anger" moments get to ya just think of **beautiful thoughts** haha and Tori beautiful face...keep working on those verses, ASHLEY i love those cubby cheeks of yours hehehehehehehe
oh can't wait to see that mixture of pictures of me-eek-lol- see you guys tommorow
luv ya <3

Friday, December 1, 2006

"The Hiding Place"

O.k. so I just got back from a play called, "The Hiding Place" it was about Cory TenBoon and her family, at the time was the Jews. Cory and her family took a huge risck, the hid seven Jews in there home. I can't believe someone could be so disrespectful, so cruel, and heartless like . He killed 100's of people for there heiratage, he piled there bodies on top of one another and left others to starve to , or be shot in the heart, because of there heiratage! Can you image...Being killed because of what you are, how God made you. I just can't get over it! ah lol...Ok just let me tell you, if you wanna read this book, don't read it during Christmas times, I am totaly sad and mad, and totally out of the Christmas spirit. Well anyways, Cory and her family had soo much faith in God, and tonight just taught me that if God can do something like that with the faith they had, that I don't have to be afraid. Have faith in the Lord, and He will do the rest...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Another Day with Soph

haha, hey!
So today me ??friend??(lol) Sophie came over, and we decorated my room for Christmas!! Funness! hehe I wanted to hang up a misletoe, and so i hung up this ?berry thingy? and I go "Soph I think I just hung up random berries on my celing" and Sophie goes "You know Beth, I don't think thats a mistletoe, I think it's a hollberrys haha so anyways that got us laughing alot, and we had the weirdest laughing fit on the stairs....and I can't think of what-lol-So anyways basicly my days with Soph are laugh fits about the stupidest things, but she me buddy =p